Padfield Community Primary School Board of Governors | ||||
Name | Category | Started | Term of Office | Due for Review |
Anne Moore | Head
| N/A | N/A | Leave of Absence |
Craig Woodward | Acting Executive Head
| 26.02.24 | N/A | N/A |
Andy Parton | Chair of Governors (previous parent, in process to become LA elected Governor) | 15.11.21 | 4 Years | 14.11.25 |
Ollie Cross | Co-opted
| 20.10.20 | 4 Years | 19.10.28 |
Steph Baker | Parent | 24.09.21 | 4 Years | 23.09.25 |
Anne-Marie Peterkamp | Co-opted | 01.07.24 | 4 Years | 30.06.28 |
Kathryn Skuse | Staff | 21.01.22 | 4 Years | 20.01.26 |
Ann Billing | Co-opted (staff)
| 21.01.22 | 4 Years | 20.01.26 |
Vacancy | Parent | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Vacancy | Parent | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Ollie Cross is a local Councillor.
Clerk to Governors - Mrs Kathy Crotty
All members of Governing Body have and continue to have significant training. The impact of this is that the Governing Body are kept abreast of their responsibilities regarding the latest requirements and expectations. Learning and actions from training is shared at Full Governing Body meetings.
Headteacher’s Appraisal
The Governing Body carries out the Headteacher’s Appraisal annually with expert assistance from an Associate School Improvement Advisor through the Local Authority. The appraisal process allows us to look closely at the performance of the Headteacher, discuss areas of strengths and where necessary, areas for development. New targets are then set against criteria, on which the Headteacher’s performance will be evaluated.
Further Impact across the School
As Governors, we celebrate the fantastic work around the school and provide challenge and support in areas that can improve and monitor progress in all areas.
1. Finance – Governors approved spending to support the School Improvement Plan.
2. Link Governors have responsibility for specific areas of interest within the school. Each link governor monitors their area and takes part in relevant audits and reviews of their areas.
3. Governors have undertaken monitoring visits to discuss areas of the School Improvement Plan or link areas
4. Progress and Attainment – data for all children across the school, including vulnerable groups, has been analysed. Data focuses on reading, writing and maths. The impact of this is that governors are aware of how children are performing; where there are issues, challenging questions can be asked to ensure that any identified problems are addressed in a timely manner. This ensures that the Governing Body know throughout the year how the school is progressing towards the school priorities and targets.
5. Ofsted – Governors are very pleased with the current Ofsted result and keep up to date with changes to the framework.